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September 28 2023

Rep. Mullin Joins Schiff, Desaulnier to Introduce Bill to Create New Office of Eviction Protection

Washington, D.C. — Today, Representative Kevin Mullin (CA-15) joined Representatives Adam Schiff (CA-30) and Mark Desaulnier (CA-10), to introduce the Eviction Protection Act. This legislation would establish the Office of Eviction Prevention, a new office within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to support and strengthen efforts to ensure that our most vulnerable community members remain safely housed.

“Amid this ongoing housing affordability crisis, we have a moral responsibility to ensure that every family has a roof over their heads. My legislation would create a new Office of Eviction Prevention within HUD and serve as a crucial resource to stave off the looming threat of eviction for vulnerable Americans and their families. I’ll continue working with my colleagues to get this across the finish line,” Rep. Schiff said

“As the representative of one of the most expensive counties in the country, I see too many of my constituents struggling to pay rent or being unable to do so. Being evicted is a predominant path to homelessness. We must do a better job of preventing this downward spiral. This bill would offer much-needed resources and tools to keep Americans in their homes. I am proud to co-lead with Rep. Schiff on this important piece of legislation,” Rep. Mullin said.

“In California and across the country, we are facing an eviction and homelessness crisis harming countless families and children and putting a huge strain on our social and legal resources,” said Rep. DeSaulnier. “I’m proud to partner with Congressman Schiff on this bill to provide resources to support HUD in developing long-term solutions to prevent the trauma of eviction and protect the most vulnerable members of our community.”

“With our data showing only 4% of tenants on average nationwide have access to counsel, compared to 83% of landlords, interventions like Eviction Protection Grant Programs (EPGP) that increase tenant representation are essential to helping level the playing field within eviction proceedings that put so many of tenants’ basic human needs at stake,” said John Pollock, Coordinator of the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel. “Also, past studies have shown representation dramatically improves case outcomes for tenants, and EPGP’s analysis of the impact of its grants will help continue to build the research in this area.”

“The National Housing Law Project is grateful to Representative Schiff for his commitment to reversing the current US evictions crisis. The Eviction Protection Act would make permanent the wildly successful Eviction Prevention Grant Program, while expanding its reach across the country. The bill would establish an Office of Eviction Prevention, ensuring that the federal government has a centralized and coordinated approach to reducing evictions and mitigating their impacts for tenants. America should not be a nation that allows a constant churn of housing instability and homelessness, and Representative Schiff’s bill is a step toward a more stable housing system for all,” said Shamus Roller, Executive Director of The National Housing Law Project.

“Ending homelessness requires building new affordable homes for those already unhoused and preventing new families and individuals from falling into homelessness. By funding robust and cost-effective eviction defense programs, the Eviction Protection Act will accomplish the latter and allow us to truly reduce the number of individuals experiencing homelessness,” said Matt Schwartz, President and CEO of the California Housing Partnership.

Schiff’s Eviction Protection Act underscores the urgent need to address the national eviction crisis that impacts communities nationwide. By establishing a dedicated office within HUD, the legislation would streamline efforts and amplify the focus on implementing proactive measures to prevent evictions, including expanding HUD’s Eviction Protection Grant Program (EPGP), which awards funding and technical assistance to organizations who provide free legal services to low-income tenants at risk of eviction. The Office of Eviction Protection aims to foster collaboration between local governments, nonprofits, and housing advocates to develop strategies that can effectively mitigate homelessness and housing instability. The Office would also work hand-in-hand with HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) to conduct research on the national eviction crisis and provide policy recommendations. 

The Eviction Protection Act is cosponsored by Representatives Mark DeSaulnier (D-Calif.), Kevin Mullin (D-Calif.), Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.), Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-Washington, D.C.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

This Legislation is endorsed by the California Housing Partnership, Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), National Housing Law Project (NHLP), and National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel.

You can find the full bill text here.