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September 30 2023

Rep. Mullin Statement on Vote to Avert Extreme MAGA Republican Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Kevin Mullin (CA-15) made the following statement after joining Democrats and some Republicans to pass a continuing resolution that would avert a federal government shutdown:

“We never should have gotten this close to a government shutdown. Extreme MAGA forces in the Republican Party are bent on the kind of political brinkmanship and obstruction that would harm millions of families across the nation,” Mullin said. “I joined Democrats and Republicans to pass a continuing resolution that will momentarily avert a shutdown, but our work isn’t done until we pass a budget that works for the American people. To do so, we must continue to call out extremism where it exists and rebuild a politics that works for the common good for the sake of our democracy and our country.”

The Continuing Resolution passed by the House of Representatives will also need to be passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Biden. The Resolution would only fund the government for 45 days at 2023 levels.
