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October 18 2023

Rep. Mullin Statement on the Crisis in the Middle East

Congressman Kevin Mullin (CA-15) issued the following statement on the crisis in the Middle East:

“In the wake of the horrific attack by Hamas, I strongly support Israel in its fight against terror and the Biden Administration’s ongoing diplomatic work in the region. Hamas’s deliberate targeting of civilians is nothing short of appalling. I have and will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, including the dismantling of Hamas and other terrorist groups. I am deeply concerned with the impact this violence and displacement has had on innocent people, and believe the protection of civilian lives is paramount.

I am also gravely concerned by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We must do everything we can to protect innocent lives, especially children. We must ensure access to food, water, and medical care for the civilian population in Gaza. I welcome the Biden Administration’s continued efforts to prevent a wider regional conflict and to ensure aid reaches civilians, including $100 million in new humanitarian assistance, which will provide support to more than 1 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

As this complex situation continues to evolve, information is coming from every direction, and it is important that we make every effort to rely on the facts. No one is well served by the perpetuation of misinformation or simplistic narratives that ultimately minimize the suffering of innocent civilians. Echoing President Biden’s words as he spoke in Israel today, I believe in the fundamental dignity of each and every human life.

My heart breaks for the continued loss of life and I pray for the safe release of the hostages held in Gaza, including Americans. I am grateful the Administration is working relentlessly to bring them home. 

Since the immediate crisis started, my office has helped constituents obtain information they need to safely leave the region. My staff and I stand ready to continue providing information to constituents in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza who are still seeking help.

Please reach out to my office at 650-342-0300 or fill out this State Department intake form if you or a loved one in the region need assistance.”