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March 06 2024

Rep. Mullin’s Latest Statement on the War in Gaza

A humanitarian crisis bordering on a famine is unfolding in Gaza as the Israel-Hamas war enters its fifth month, and I continue to be horrified by the devastating loss of life and suffering of innocent families and children. The unbearable conditions on the ground call for urgent relief and I strongly support the Biden-Harris Administration’s work with regional partners to broker an immediate six-week ceasefire deal to allow for a surge of desperately needed humanitarian aid and the release of hostages taken by Hamas.

I have heard from my constituents, many of whom have close ties to Gaza or Israel, who are appalled by the civilian death toll. I share their desire for an end to the violence. I also believe that a successful and sustainable ceasefire cannot simply be demanded, and that both warring parties must agree to it. The proposed temporary six-week ceasefire may not seem like enough, however, in the immediate term it would help alleviate suffering by safely enabling critical aid to get to innocent civilians in Gaza and by releasing hostages.

Israel has the right to protect its citizens from further atrocities like the Oct. 7 attacks perpetrated by Hamas, yet this tragic conflict has come at the expense of far too many innocent lives. The U.S. must stay engaged with regional partners and compel all parties to ultimately end this war and create a framework for peace that lays the groundwork for a two-state solution. Although I recognize the challenges in this effort, the only path forward is toward a Palestinian state that has self-determination, living alongside a secure Israel that is free from the threat of terrorism and with leadership committed to democratic principles.