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April 20 2024

Rep. Mullin Votes in Favor of Bipartisan Foreign Aid Package

After months of difficult negotiations in Congress, today I voted in favor of a foreign aid package that prioritizes America’s national security interests and offers crucial support for our democratic allies abroad.  

This funding will enable Ukraine, which is in an existential fight to defend its sovereignty, to finally receive the overdue support it needs to defend against Russia’s unrelenting and unprovoked invasion. We cannot abandon the Ukrainian people as they work to save their democracy and prevent Putin’s autocracy from spreading. The legislation will also ensure Taiwan and our southeast Asian allies have strategic resources to stand strong against aggression from China. 

Congress is also responding to Iran’s unprecedented missile attacks against Israel by helping our only democratic ally in the Middle East maintain its defensive capabilities against the Iranian regime and other adversaries in the region. Most importantly, this bill was the only available path for us to vote to provide $9 billion in desperately needed humanitarian aid for innocent Palestinians tragically suffering from the war in Gaza and civilians caught in other war zones across the globe. I continue to strongly support an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas to allow for a surge of humanitarian aid and the release of hostages taken by Hamas.  

This package, like much of the legislation we vote on under MAGA Republican control of the House, is not perfect. As a Member of Congress, I have to make tough decisions on the legislation in front of me, not the legislation I wish I could vote for.   

We’re living in a time where the world seems to be on fire, with divisions and threats to democracy appearing daily overseas and, unfortunately, here at home. That’s why I voted for this aid package and joined a bipartisan coalition in standing with our democratic allies in battles for democracy and freedom, against autocracy and aggression that are playing out across the globe.