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April 29 2024

Reps Lieu, Crockett, Mullin and Jackson Introduce Bill to Prevent Homelessness

WASHINGTON – Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-Los Angeles County), Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), Congressman Kevin Mullin (D-CA), and Congressman Jonathan Jackson (D-IL) recently announced the introduction of the Prevent Homelessness Act, a bill that provides increased funding to prevent renters and homeowners from losing their homes. Specifically, the legislation would establish a Housing Stabilization Fund, managed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, that would provide emergency housing assistance to extremely low-income and very low-income families. 

“In the midst of a dire affordable housing crisis, we must do more to prevent families from falling into homelessness,” said Rep. Lieu. “Our bill aims to stop homelessness before it happens by providing critical support to low-income families so they can more easily afford their housing payments and stay in their homes. It also helps renters and homeowners with short-terms costs that can be difficult to keep up with, such as utility payments, security deposit payments, legal assistance, mental health services and more. I’m grateful to Representatives Crockett, Mullin and Jackson for their partnership in this targeted effort to protect those most at-risk of becoming homeless.”

“Homelessness is a public health crisis and too many people in our country are forced to make dire choices about whether to keep a roof over their head or food on the table,” said Rep. Mullin. “The federal government must do more to address homelessness. I was eager to join Rep. Ted Lieu’s bill to create a new Housing Stabilization Fund, which would offer assistance for low-income families, homeowners and renters who are most at risk of falling into homelessness.”

Read the full bill text here.