Today, Rep. Kevin Mullin (CA-15), applauded passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 which reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for five years and includes provisions that he authored to advance America’s clean energy interests.
This bill will maintain America’s leadership in aviation safety and aerospace innovation, strengthen and diversify the U.S. aviation workforce, make groundbreaking investments in sustainability and resiliency, and improve consumer protections and accessibility.
Aviation accounts for 3.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and Rep. Mullin’s efforts will help the industry reduce its carbon footprint by enabling investments in green alternatives to aviation fuel.
“I am honored to have authored two provisions in this bill that will advance the research and development of hydrogen aviation fuel and better prepare America’s power grid for the future of electric power in aviation. Our best and brightest innovators across the country, including in my district, are working diligently to develop the electrified aviation technology of the future. Let’s match their efforts by ensuring that when this technology is available, safe, and viable, our nation’s electrical grid is equipped to support it. That starts with establishing a better understanding of our grid resiliency and capabilities – including the challenges and opportunities around clean electricity generation.”
The House passed the FAA Reauthorization Act, which will now head to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law. Rep. Mullin sits on several committees and caucuses related to technology, energy, transportation, and reducing airplane noise, through which he is working to incorporate climate and energy resilience policies.
“Extreme weather, flooding and sea level rise have become increasingly dangerous to people across our nation, including the bayfront communities of California’s Congressional District 15 along the San Francisco Peninsula. Regardless of whether you live in a blue state or red state, the impacts of climate change are disrupting the lives of everyday Americans right now,” Mullin said. “Every improvement we can make, including in the aviation industry, is a step toward a more resilient future.”