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May 31 2024

Support for Gaza Ceasefire Proposal Announced May 31, 2024

I strongly support the ceasefire proposal that President Biden highlighted this morning and urge all parties to accept this long overdue step to finally bring the horrific war in Gaza to an end and to bring the remaining hostages home. Far too many families on both sides have been torn apart by this utterly tragic conflict.

This proposal will allow for a surge of humanitarian aid to reach innocent Palestinians in Gaza who are suffering and includes important commitments from the international community to help rebuild schools, homes, and hospitals in Gaza. Critically, this proposal includes a vision for a lasting agreement, and builds the groundwork for a future two-state structure – which while extremely difficult to achieve, is the only feasible path forward towards peace. As President Biden emphasized, an indefinite war does nothing to bring security to all of those suffering in the region and we need a durable solution.