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FY26 Appropriations Requests

Appropriations requests from prior years:

The Appropriations process is an annual opportunity to affect the funding of a wide range of federal, state, local, and tribal programs through programmatic requests. Separately, in recent appropriations cycles, Congress has allocated some of the federal budget for Community Project Funding (CPF, also known as an “earmark”), which funds one-off nonprofit and state or local government or tribal projects. Please note that while there are many worthy organizations and projects, not every project will be funded. No funding can be made available unless and until the FY26 Appropriations bill(s) are passed by both the House and Senate and signed by the President.

Rep. Mullin invites you to weigh in on this important process by making either a programmatic or CPF Appropriations request. However, please note that we expect to receive hundreds of requests and there is a strict limit on the number of requests each member of Congress can submit, so submitting a request here is no guarantee that Rep. Mullin will be able to submit it to the Appropriations Committee.

Community Project Funding (Earmark) Requests

The Appropriations Committee has not yet released FY26 guidance for CPF requests.

The Appropriations Committee has also not yet released deadlines for FY26. You are encouraged to prepare submissions as early as possible using FY25’s guidance. However, Rep. Mullin will begin accepting submissions only after the release of the FY26 guidance.

Programmatic Requests

Programmatic requests are for either “bill text,” which sets specific funding levels for authorized federal programs, or for “report language” in Appropriations subcommittee reports, which provide directives to federal agencies on how to use appropriated funding, but which do not have the force of law. Programmatic requests must be specific to an account under an existing federal department, agency, or office. Report language must similarly be tied to an existing agency or account.

The House Appropriations Committee has not yet released deadlines for FY26. You are encouraged to submit as early as possible.


If I submit a request, will it go to the Appropriations Committee?

Rep. Mullin will make every effort to submit projects that meet the eligibility criteria to the Appropriations Committee, which ultimately decides which request are included in the bills or subcommittee reports. However, every member of Congress has a limit on how many requests they can submit, and therefore requests will need to be prioritized.

Will my CPF (earmark) request be public?

Yes. If Rep. Mullin submits your project as a request to the Appropriations Committee, then it will become public (in law or a public report) and will be posted on this and other websites.

What happens after I submit? What is the timeline?

The full Appropriations process may not be completed until the end of the previous fiscal year, this calendar year, sometime next year, or possibly not at all. If Rep. Mullin decides to submit your request to the Appropriations Committee, we will be in touch with you to confirm your interest, ask for follow-up information as needed, and keep you informed about the timeline. Once (and if) the Appropriations bill(s) are signed into law by the President, it still may be several months after that before entities are able to obtain the funding.

How do I get help on submitting a request or change my submission?

If you need help completing the form linked below, if you have any questions, or if you need to modify your request once submitted, please email

Request Form

Submit an Appropriations request here.

The House Appropriations Committee has not yet released deadlines for FY26. You are encouraged to submit as early as possible.