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November 21 2023

Rep. Mullin Statement on the Retirement of Congresswoman Anna Eshoo

Congressman Kevin Mullin (CA-15) issued the following statement on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s announcement that she will not run for another term in the U.S House of Representatives: 

“Congresswoman Anna Eshoo is a living legend for the Peninsula and Silicon Valley. For over three decades, Anna has set the standard for constituent service and delivering for her district. She is universally respected and revered, and her district and Congress has benefitted greatly from her steady and moral leadership during some the most challenging times our country has faced. I have been blessed to spend my first term in the U.S. House of Representatives listening to and learning from Anna. Her leadership on the Energy and Commerce Committee where she championed health, consumer, and technology policies will leave a lasting mark for generations. And she has been among the staunchest defenders of democracy. Anna’s retirement from the Congress next year, combined with Jackie Speier’s prior departure from Congress to return home to San Mateo County, signals a remarkable transition for Peninsula politics. We are deeply grateful for Anna’s unyielding fidelity to our county and our country. Thank you Anna. We are all grateful for your service.”
