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May 16 2024

Rep. Mullin Champions Investments in Education, Climate, Democracy Protections & Emergency Preparedness in the FY25 House Appropriations Package

San Mateo, CA – U.S. Rep. Kevin Mullin (CA-15) led a national coalition of lawmakers to submit several requests in the FY25 House Appropriations package. These requests encompass a wide range of issues including emergency preparedness, clean energy, higher education and election integrity. The House Appropriations Committee will now review these requests for consideration in the FY25 Appropriations package.

“The role of Congress is to serve the pressing needs of the American people. My funding requests for the FY25 House Appropriations bills are emblematic of the huge challenges that our country faces, and the vast opportunities that Congress has to solve these challenges.” Rep. Mullin said. “Since day one, my primary focus as a Member of Congress has been delivering for my district. Many of my FY25 requests reflect input I have received from community stakeholders and fellow lawmakers. If included in the final Appropriations bills, my funding requests will have a real impact on California’s Congressional District 15 and communities across the nation. I will continue to advocate for emergency preparedness, climate action, higher education, and protecting our elections from anti-democratic threats.”

Rep. Mullin led his colleagues in seven requests for FY25. Some of these requests include:

National Risk Assessment for Earthquake Resilience

Rep. Mullin is requesting that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) expeditiously conduct a national risk assessment for earthquake resilience. Almost half of the U.S. population – 150 million people – reside in areas that are at risk of experiencing a damaging earthquake within the next 50 years, including many constituents in California’s Congressional District 15. This risk assessment would support emergency preparedness for communities across the United States.

National Urban Search & Rescue Response System

Rep. Mullin is requesting a robust increase in funding for the National Urban Search & Rescue (US&R) Response System task forces, bringing the total federal investment to $56 million in FY25. The US&R System has been a vital, nationwide resource since 1989, deploying to some of the most catastrophic and consequential disasters in our nation’s history, yet its funding has remained nearly stagnant for years.

Clean Energy Grid Updates

Rep. Mullin is requesting robust funding for the Solar Energy Systems Integration (SESI) and Wind Energy Systems Integration (WESI) programs in FY25 so that America can lead the world on renewable energy development and grid modernization. As the impacts of climate change worsen, further funding is needed to ensure that the electrical grid can meet the rapidly growing demand for both renewable energy generation and electric power. There are currently 1.5 terawatts of solar and wind projects that are unable to connect to the grid due to lack of availability. These projects would more than double our domestic power generation capacity. The SESI and WESI programs at the Department of Energy support the research, development, and deployment of technologies that would accelerate the connection of solar and wind energy to the grid.

Strengthening the Innovations in Education Program (IGE)

Rep. Mullin is requesting robust funding to support the IGE’s ability to provide professional development for graduate students.The IGE program prepares students for careers in 21st Century STEM fields and modernizes graduate programs to increase international competitiveness and talent retention.

Election Threats Task Force

Rep. Mullin is requesting that the Department of Justice (DOJ) provides a detailed report to Congress outlining the ongoing work of the Election Threats Task Force and the resources it may need to fully execute its mission moving forward. The Election Threats Task Force was established by the DOJ in 2021 in response to an alarming rise in the number of threats and open hostility toward election officials and volunteers. Nearly one third of election officials report having been harassed, abused, or threatened because of their job. This is having a dangerous effect on the stability of our election system: The turnover rate of election officials has increased substantially in recent years, with 39 percent of them having left their job between 2018 and 2022 alone.

Advancements in Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology

Rep Mullin is requesting a total of $50 million to invest in emerging carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology, which permanently pulls carbon out of the atmosphere. Theserequests will provide federal investments to support advancements in the monitoring, reporting, and verification of CDR technology, ultimately setting standards and clear market value for carbon removals. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis. America has the responsibility and the technological capability to lead the world in climate mitigation strategies. Carbon removal technology provides the ability for us to do just that, but the federal government must invest in this technology to ensure its efficacy. Federal investment would send a signal to the private sector that carbon removal systems can be trusted and provide direct benefits to mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Further information about Rep. Kevin Mullin’s legislative priorities, committees, and caucuses is available at