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Gun Violence

Gun violence is one of the most urgent and disturbing challenges we face in the United States. As the father of two boys, I wholeheartedly believe that we need to protect America’s children from mass shootings in schools and elsewhere. The Bay Area has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of gun violence, from the assassinations of Congressman Leo J. Ryan, Mayor George Moscone, and Supervisor Harvey Milk to horrific mass shootings including in Half Moon Bay. America critically needs common-sense gun reform legislation to protect our communities, which is why I am a member of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. 

I believe we must advocate for reinstating the assault weapons ban, increasing firearm safety standards, and keeping guns out of the hands of violent offenders to reduce gun-related deaths, prevent mass shootings, and protect our children.

I cosponsored the Assault Weapons Ban, which would ban semiautomatic weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines; Ethan’s Law, which would require a firearm to be securely stored in a safe device if a child or someone who cannot legally own a firearm will be present, and makes gun owners civilly liable for any injuries caused by improper storage; and the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, which would require a licensed gun dealer or manufacturer to conduct a background check for any firearm sale or transfer. I also signed discharge petitions on all three bills, demanding that the Republican House Majority immediately bring them to the Floor for a vote.